Contaminated Land Studies
We are accredited by the Basque Government to conduct contaminated land investigations and remediation projects within the scope of the Decree 199/2006.
- Design and carrying out of exploratory and/or detailed soil investigations, including “in situ” chemical analysis.
- Exploratory investigation.
- Detailed investigation, including risk analysis.
- Design and carrying out of investigations of the soil remaining after execution of soil remediation measures.
- Design and carrying out of measures for soil quality control and monitoring.
We are a company accredited by ENAC (the Spanish accreditation body) according to ISO 1720 to carry out soil and groundwater investigations.
As required by Spanish Decree 199/2006, we are accredited by the Basque Government to carry out risk analysis of soil contamination.
Waste characterization
We are a company accredited by ENAC (the Spanish accreditation body) according to ISO 1720 for waste characterization.
Soil decontamination
We are accredited by the Basque Government to conduct soil investigations and remediation projects within the scope of the Decree 199/2006:
- Design of soil remediation measures.
- Supervision of soil remediation measures.
- Design and supervision of preventive and/or defense measures when they are part of the content of a declaration of the quality of the soil.
"In situ" techniques
According to Spanish Decree 199/2006, we are accredited by the Basque Government to carry out “in situ” soil and groundwater remediation technologies:
- Soil circular flushing well.
- Groundwater circulation well.
- Stacked groundwater circulation well.
- Reactive circulation well.
- In situ well stripping/Vacuum Vaporiser Well.
- Microbiologically enhanced Groundwater Circulation Well.
- Virtually Permeable Reactive Barriers.
- LNAPL recovery.
- DNAP recovery.
- In situ Chemical Oxidation and Reduction.
- Coaxial Groundwater Aeration.
- Compact KS 1000 extractor.
- Vacuum Vapor Extraction.
- Thermally Enhanced Soil Air Circulation.
- Soil Air Circulation – Vacuum Vapour Extraction.
- Soil Air Circulation – Bioventing.
- Multilevel Sampling Well.
- Vacuum Liquid Recovery.
- Granular Activated Carbon Adsorbent Systems.
Environmental managementl
We manage our environmental aspects with an environmental management system certified according to the ISO 14001 standard.